Tuesday, January 10, 2012

SQL Injection Menggunakan HAVIJ

Today's world it is very watered down, just so users can instantly good at SQL Injection, without having to know the basics. You can call your self what?
Okay, this just sharing how SQL Injection Havij:
1.A. Please search for targets using SQL Injection Vulnerability, can be obtained from the search and exploit-db.com, please be found here: http://www.exploit-db.com/webapps, find a vulnerability that has a keyword "SQL injection".
2. Then please download HAVIJ TOOLS DOWNLOAD FREE or PRO HAVIJ (Thanks To AcizNinja For Update):
Download Havij Pro
3. Mandatory to download & help support the following: PDF & CHM HELP HELP
4. Here are some images HAVIJ TOOLS:
5. The main steps in Havij:

     Find a website that has a SQL Injection Vulnerable
     Enter a vulnerable target to the tab "Target" in Havij unmarked '
     Then click Analyze
     The menus are there please HELP studied in PDF & CHM HELP who have downloaded for each function.

What the hell that can be obtained by using these tools?
         1.You can deface the website HAVIJ
         2.You can copy / save database with HAVIJ
         3.You can find the admin login with HAVIJ
         4.You can be the administrator of the website with HAVIJ
         5.Furthermore depending on the extent to which your shrewdness in managing the target: D

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